Wednesday, February 28, 2007

House 3.0

Oh Spring Break, you're so close. I'm in desperate need of you.

Everything has been going okay lately. I've come to terms with my grades and I no longer stress over them the same way. I'm just accepting my 3.0GPA (Out of 4.0) as an inseparable part of me.

I read a short article over at that gave some tips with how to handle a lower than average GPA. It basically said to be proactive and not try to avoid it when applying to medschools and interviewing. I was glad to hear that because I did directly address it in my autobiography and was careful not to make it seem like too negative of a point. I also showed that I did have a plan for how to solve the problem once entering medical school, which was another thing stressed in the article. Horrah Problem Based Learning-pathways!

I've also started the process of scheduling my classes for next semester. Originally I was going to have a really easy semester with Fridays off, but people are starting to talk me into taking Biochemistry. I don't know how good of an idea this is considering I have a C+ average in Organic Chem, but from what I've heard it's basically becoming a pre-req for medical schools and if you don't have a background in it then your first semester of medschool is particularly impossible.

If I take that then my cumulative transcript will include the following science/math classes:
General Bio I+II + Lab
General Chem I+II + Lab
Organic Chem I+II + Lab
Physics I+II + Lab
Biochemistry I
Microbiology + Lab
Veratbrate Physiology + Lab (different from A+P)
Comparative Anatomy + Lab
Genetics + Lab
Animal Behavior
Calculus I

I'm hoping my courses at least look like a challenged myself. One day I'll post the grades next to those courses, but I'm still a little too self-conscious. I will share my latest practice MCAT score, although it's still not where it needs to be. 23. I'm content with it so far because the genius-guaranteed-to-get-into-medschool-friend got a 19 on that test. But we'll see how I do on the one she got 26 on. The school that I want to attend has an average of 24 and is PBL, so maybe my sob story will win them over because of my dedication to PBL.

Well I have to go back to finishing my Physics lab report. Thanks for the comments. It's nice to know that some people care.


Anonymous said...

Aww, of course we care, shnookums. C'mere *swallows you in a big bear hug*

Heh. Um, sorry. I've been doing too much comedy this week, so I'm in a weird mood.

Dude, you're a pre-med? Seriously? I had no idea. I always thought you were already in med school.

Biochem is a MAJOR PAIN IN THE ARSE. You're right though that med schools prefer it. Sad thing is here in Cambridge we still have to learn year later and I'm still trying to get that horrible aftertaste out of my mouth *cough splutter splutter*

Anonymous said...

A 23? Good job, you should be very proud of yourself. One of my friends applied for med school two years in a row. The first year she didn't get in, the second year she got into OHSU - not only was it in the location she wanted, but it's a damn good school! I'm guess what I'm saying, is if you really want it, keep trying. If you follow your passions things will always go your way. Eventually!