Friday, March 02, 2007

What's worse than taking biochem?

The answer: Taking biochem twice.

So I spoke with my advisor today to see if he thought I should take biochem or not. He basically told me that if I'm a "chem person" to go for it. And he said he basically leaves it up to the student. He told me that he loved organic and biochem, which means I don't think I'm going to take it. It's not that I don't like organic, cause I kind of do. But I'm not the heavy details type of person that's required for chemistry, whereas he's the type of person that likes to memorize the S-values for different types of white blood cells.

Not heavy on details? That came out wrong. Do you need to be that kind of person to be a competent physician, cause you basically need to be in order to be a successful science major? I hope not. I like to think that clinical skills are separate from being able to understand the placement of substituents on aromatic benzene.


Anonymous said...

Yeah, clinical skills are completely different from ortho-meta-para-ing your way through org chem.

Take for instance, me. I loved chem. I did good. Med school came as a total shock. You don't need as much detail. It's far more important to understand the big picture. Besides, you can always get lab values from a book.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Oh you just made me so happy.

Anonymous said...

medical stuff is dumb

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Anonymous said...

CT: Whoa. Ditto that, Dr Wannabe; he just made my day too!