Saturday, March 31, 2007

Do You Have a Double?

I've heard theories that say somewhere in the world there is someone who looks exactly like you. But what about people who don't look like you, but are exactly like you?

When I say exactly alike I mean, mannerisms, interests, views, processes of thinking, tastes in everything. Everything is the same.

Generally, you can find people who will have a shared sense of humor, interests or affiliations. I on the other hand have found two people who are identical to each other.

Friend #1, we'll call Lee, because that's a nice stereotypical Asian affiliated name. Friend #2, we'll call Mike, cause that's a nice typical Caucasian name.

I've known Lee since high school. We're nothing alike but we get along surprisingly well. To get an idea of what he's like here are some of his interests: elitist underground indie rock, elitist (but not necessarily good) indie movies, vegetarianism, English/Philosophy major, music journalism, social liberalism, smart comedy (Arrested Development, 30 Rock, The Office). You get the picture.

Mike became my former roommate's new roommate when I left him last semester. It was about 30 minutes into meeting to him that I realized he's nothing but a Caucasian version of Lee. The first thing that gave it away was the fact he was talking about music artists that I had only heard of from Lee. I told Mike to check out Lee's Last.FM playlist and they both listen to the same exact music.

Okay, big deal they listen to the same music. If you're into one type of band, you're probably into most of the other ones in the same genre. We shall continue.

Lee started out as a computer science major, but quit because at his school it's part of the engineering school, which required him to take too many classes that had nothing to do with what he likes. He is now an English and Philosophy major. Mike is a computer science major, but is very into philosophy, especially existentialism, which is exactly what Lee is into. Mike is currently reading a book on World Religions, which is not required for a class.

Mike has gotten me to watch movies that Lee has been meaning to make me watch for a while.

Mike is a vegetarian. Lee has given up meat for the past few Lents and is now planning on giving it up for good, without knowing that Mike is a vegetarian.

They both have the same exact sarcastic humor that many don't appreciate, but I'm very keen to.

Both of them love to piss me off at any chance they get. And they do it in the same exact way. Mainly by taking anything I say and twisting it into something else, or proving me to be a hypocrite at any chance. (Oh wait, everyone does that.)

When I was food shopping with Mike he told me how he use to love New England Clam Chowder, but, alas, he can eat it no longer. The next day I'm on the phone with Lee telling him how I'm thinking about having NE Clam Chowder and he responds with, "Yeah, I'm going to miss that when I stop eating meat."

When I visited Lee while he studied in London I unknowingly met his twin Mike BECAUSE HE WAS STUDYING IN LONDON AT THE SAME TIME WITH OTHER FRIENDS OF MINE!!!!

Is this enough?!?!?!?

The two of them readily acknowledge the fact that they are the same person and plan on meeting over the summer. It's really really really weird. (REALLY!)

I haven't known Mike for very long but I seem to "get him" very quickly, which is saying something because he has some very... ummm... interesting idiosyncrasies. I chalk this up to being friends with Lee for so long. Being with Mike is exactly like being with Lee. I'm at the point where I predict what he's about to say/do/think (wait isn't that almost the name of a band they both like?) based off of what Lee would do. I'm almost always right. I wish that I could better explain this, but it's something that you really only notice when you know both people personally. Unfortunately, I'm the only person that knows both of them.

I wonder if there is another Dr. Wannabe out there. Maybe he goes by the name Dr. Want2B. You guys have to make sure to tells us about each other. Wait, none of you know me well enough to make that connection. Damn it!


Anonymous said...

Whoa. Creepy. Sounds like something out of the Twilight Zone. Pity one of em wasn't a girl though, then they could've gotten married.

Ooh, your link on my blog was broken for a while (thanks to new Blogger layout messing up) but it's fixed now. Keep blogging! When're finals?

Anonymous said...

*cries at idea of finals*

Finals are the week of the May 7. MCATs are May 16. And up until then I wish myself death everyday.

I'm 100% lost in organic in a way I never have been before. (F you nitrogen containing organic molecules.) And Physics is just a slow and steady pain in the ass, but moving along nonetheless.

Are you in your last year of school? Are these licensing exams that you're taking?