Friday, June 29, 2007


I don't like this one either. But it might give a better sense of who I am. Personal statements blow ass. This is a rough rough rough draft. Someone please just let me borrow your life story cause mine is boring and uneventful and I have nothing extraordinary to offer the world.

I started college undecided between touchy-feely, subjective psychology and cold, hard, “we’re right, you’re wrong” biology. Fortunately though my freshman adviser had a stroke of divine intervention and placed me in Human Biology and that is where the stress began. But I knew that this was where my true passion lay; not with theories saying that all my problems are because of my mother, but with theories blaming them on my genes – only half my mother’s fault. This didn’t mean that I intended on applying to medical school. I had simply decided that I didn’t want to coast through college.

The following semesters I found myself in the School of Science, a place filled with anxious students and the signs of sleep deprivation covering their faces. I soon looked liked them too. The classes were unlike the others I had taken. Here you sat in a room and had theories, mechanisms and formulas driven into your head for 75 minute increments. Half of me hated it because there were never any class discussions or chances to apply our knowledge to real life scenarios. But the other half loved it because what I was learning was so fascinating and made me much more aware of the world around me. It was just a matter of figuring out what to do with this knowledge.

The summer after freshman year I was invited to shadow my dermatologist. I figured I’d try it out to see what medicine was all about. Before this I had never considered medicine. Medicine was for the Type A gunner students who effortlessly memorized the sedimentation values of antibodies and structure of intermolecular bridges in proteins. While shadowing I saw a marble sized hemangioma removed from a little girl’s head, basal cells sliced off and warts attacked by liquid nitrogen and acid. It was love at first sight. Even the mundane diagnosis and treatment of eczema awed me. This was what I needed to do. Not necessarily dermatology, but take my love for biology and apply it to real life problems.

School started again and I was no longer a pathological masochist. I had a purpose for the pain, and it was medical school. I was determined to do whatever it took to get there. To get through my classes I would focus on the clinical aspects of my classes to get through them. Even in classes like organic chemistry I wouldn’t try to memorize reactions. Instead, I would analyze what needed to be done, consider the conditions needed to accomplish it and work my way through from there. And for better or worse, it worked.

Still I needed to get my fix of the real stuff. Seeing patients was like a drug addiction. To fill this need I continued getting any clinical experience I could. The summer after sophomore year I worked with an orthopedist and during junior year I worked at the local ER and a family medicine practice. Going in and hearing a patient’s problem got my brain working in ways that that the classroom never did. And I was surprised that I was actually able to make sense of the situations and ask the physicians intelligent questions. It was nice to see that performance in a didactic lecture class didn’t necessarily predict my clinical abilities. I also loved getting to know the patients. I would ask them plenty of questions, which not only provided me with more information to work with, but would also to them to ease. Many of the patients seemed to gravitate towards me, as opposed to the doctors, especially the elderly women brought to the ER against their will.

So here I am ready and willing. There is no story about saving children in Africa, or watching a loved one battle a chronic illness. It’s simply me. I’m the guy who will talk your ear off the second he hears you’ve got a cough. I’ve done my research and know what’s required of me in medical school, residency and beyond.

Pending...... The Remix

I've taken those two people's suggestion to heart and have decided to re-write my personal statement. I'm still going to try to show the path I took to get to this point but show a little more of myself.

I'll get back to you.

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Call It Like You See It!

Here's my personal statement. It's just under the character limit. My biggest concern is whether this is the best place to explain my "C" in Physics1. My advisors told me I definietly should explain it and this is really the only chance I get to. I didn't feel like I had to leave anything out in order to fit it into my statement.

I started college undecided between touchy-feely, subjective psychology and cold, hard, “we’re right, you’re wrong” biology. Fortunately though my freshman advisor had a stroke of divine intervention and placed me in Human Biology and that is where the stress began. But I knew that this was where my true passion lied; not with theories saying that all my problems are because of my mother, but with theories blaming them on my genes – only half my mother’s fault. This doesn’t mean that I was considering applying to medical school. I had simply decided that I didn’t want to coast through college.

Later on my freshman year I realized that I loved applying what I knew to problem solving situations. I guess it gives me a sense of satisfaction taking what I have learned in the classroom and using it to answer someone's questions or explain to someone what is going on in their own body. Medicine started to seem like a good fit for me the more I thought about it. It would provide me a problem solving based job that I find interesting, challenging and most importantly, satisfying.
The summer following my freshman year I started to get some clinical experience to see if medicine was what I envisioned. My dermatologist offered me the opportunity to shadow her in the office to see what a typical day was like. After the first day I was hooked. I loved going in to see patients and hearing about their problems, while also trying to figure out in my head what was going on and what treatment plan would help them. That summer I learned that medicine was definitely the field I wanted to pursue. I also realized that I would probably want to go into a primary care field because they would see the widest variety of pathology, as opposed to specializing.

After freshman year I found myself becoming more fascinated by the many different aspects of medicine. Immunology alone increased my knowledge of medicine by well over 100%, and at the same time made me aware of much I have to learn. But even during my Emergency Medicine internship I found myself able to apply what I learned to my case studies. For instance, when one patient came in with a foot that was swollen and red the physician approached the situation as a clot in the leg or foot, but I asked if could also be an allergic reaction since it was localized. He said that it was definitely something worth looking, which got me overly excited even though it was such a minor suggestion and most likely in the back of his mind anyway.

Another thing I learned about myself during my internships is that I like working with people. Meeting complete strangers and listening to their problems is something I enjoy. I would often find myself asking lots of follow up questions. I like getting to know the patients and their lives, because not only does it give your more information to work with, but it also helps the patients feel more comfortable in what can often be a stressful situation. I have even had patients and physicians compliment me on bedside manner, especially the elderly patients who look to me as the good guy, as opposed to the physician, but I probably just remind them of their grandchildren.

Ever since I decided on pursuing medicine I've been doing research on what to expect in medical school, residency and beyond. As of now I could see myself going into a primary care field such as Internal Medicine and working as a hospitalist, but I've learned there is much about medicine that I do not know about that I'm open to anything. I feel I have a thorough understanding of what medical school and residency entails and the dedication that is required, but I think that as long as I go in with the right intentions and mindset, then it is all worth the effort and something I can succeed at.

I would like to take this time to explain one of the grades on my transcript. The reason that I had taken Physics I at ********* University was because I anticipated a heavy course load my junior year with Organic Chemistry I+II, Physics I+II and the MCAT, so I wanted to lighten my load. Unfortunately, ********* University's pre-medical students take algebra-based physics, as opposed to *My School*'s required calculus-based physics. The calculus-based physics at ********* is intended for their engineering students, and is closer to an applied calculus class, than the physics found on the MCAT. So I would like to highlight the "A" that I received in Physics II at *My School*, which was designed to prepare the students for the physics on the MCAT.


Today I ordered a Panini called "The *insert letter(s) here*-COM." (COM = College of Osteopathic Medicine) I won't lie. The name was part of the reason I got it, but the grilled chicken, ham, fresh mozzarella and baby arugula helped.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

I had to share with all of you the address that I send my application to:

5550 Friendship Blvd., Ste. 310
Chevy Chase, MD 20815-7231

Who would have thought...

Monday, June 18, 2007

Results are in...

I got my MCAT score the night I returned from Italy. I got a 25-O: 8P, 8V, 9B, which is funny cause I thought I did the worst on the biological science section.

This was the score I was kind of worried about getting cause it's leaving me in limbo, yet again. It's not so low that I fold in the cards and do PA school, but not so great that I'm confident about getting in anywhere. My perfect GPA friend gets mad when I say something like this because she got a 20 on the MCAT and has to take it again. But I remind her that she has practically a perfect GPA. I need to remember to ask her if she would swap scenarios. That would be an interesting answer. My current GPA is about 3.1-3.2 cumulative and 3.0 science.

I'm hoping to have my applications done by next week once the grade from my abroad class is in. I have about 8 schools on the list right now, but I don't think I'm going to share what schools I'm applying to because lately it seems best to stay as private as possible in the medical blogging world.

I'll keep everyone updated, as always.

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

All Good Things Must Come to an End

No, I'm not back from Italy yet, but I will be soon enough.

When I return I figure out the fiath of my medical career, kinnda. I also will be starting work again. Except this summer I don't get to watch tv or enjoy AC or work with my friend. This might suck a little.

Why am I always lookng for the negatives?

Time to go back to marvelling at Venice.

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Trying to Ruin a Great Trip

I'm having such a blast in Florence. I think this is going to end up being my favorite place that we visit.

But I just tried to check my MCAT scores....
Thank God they're not up. But even if they're bad I think I'll be okay cause of closure knowing that I'm going for PA school only. But lately I've been thinking about how I want to be a doctor...


Tuesday, June 05, 2007


I'm reporting from a small town called Tuscania. It's very, very small. There isn't much to do, and therefore, not much to report.

We went to Assisi yesterday which is a cool town, though someone should introduce them to a thing called level ground. I should really start some kind of insurance company there based around winter driving...

No one here really speaks any english, which is kind of nice and also not, especially when ordering food. I blindly ordered my salad and dessert yesterday and was 1 for 2. The salad ended up being green beans, carrots and potatoes, which was delicious. The dessert I thought I was ordering was strawberry cheesecake. The dessert I got was starwberries... They were okay, but strawberries are one of the many, many foods that irratate my thorat. Thankfully, they didn't. But when we were dividing up the bill someone just decided just to charge everyone 5 euro for their dessert, thus making those the most expensive quater cup of strawberries I've ever had. Whatever, when in Rome... Wait, no, that doesn't apply on a multitude of different levels.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

When In Rome

I'm here in an internet place on my last day of Rome. It's 10:30AM and the bus isn't picking us up until 2PM. booo. It's also pouring but that's okay cause everyone went to a canonization (make a saint) mass at the vatican so there isn't anyone to hang out with anyway. Well, 3 others didn't go either because we're just far too cool for that. The funny thing is I'm probably the most Catholic of everyone in the group in the sense that I know the most about Catholicism.

Yesterday, we did the Scavi Tour, which is a tour that takes you under St. Peter's to see all of the popes' tombs and you see where St. Peter was buried. The whole experience was actually touching and a real "religious experience." We had a brother (from another mother, of course) give us the tour and he was very good. Our agnostic professor said that he sounded like he was trying to "save our souls" and he was, which was good since he was studying to become a priest. He actually restored my faith in the Roman Catholic organization and faith in general. Not that I was ever really anti-catholic or religion. At the site of St. Peter's bones he had lead us in prayer with the Our Father. Our Jewish professor had said that if he had been in that tour group he would have been kind of upset by that. This comment really pissed me off. I know that in America you can't get away with having in any kind of public setting, but guess what we're not in America. You're in the freaking Vatican, a country dedicated to Catholicism. Just because you're an art historian doesn't mean that you're entitled to walk through these doors and start saying what pleases and displeases you. Sorry that all these great works of art just happen to be there. Had we been in a Buddhist temple or Muslim mosque no one would ever say something like that. Ugh, just the little things that really piss me off.

Anyway, I've been having a ton of fun, but I'm definitely ready to move on to our next place, Tuscania. Rome is nice, and I like the old stuff, but the transportation systems blow, it's impossible to get around without getting lost and the waiters have had real attitudes with us. Granted, we've also had some great waiters who are nothing but entertaining.

The other night we tried to find this restuarant area on the Tiber that our professor suggested to us. To make a long story short, we were walking for 3 hours and end up just going to a place that was right down the street from our hotel. We were so tired and hungry at that point that all 7 of us were in a deep deep state of drunk-tiredness. We couldn't stop laughing at the stupidest things. And of course I had tears rolling down my face the entire time. It was actually a good night in all. But the story is going to end with the casterization of that professor by the 5 girls that he made walk miles and miles in uncomfortable shoes.

I've had enough of blogging and going to find other things to do with my 2euro/hour internet time.

(Excuse mispelling and all that. I'm not going to read over it and I don't have built in spell check :-/)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

I'm alive in Italy. I'm having a great time and my feet are about to fall off.

Tonight I'm going to a pub crawl by the spanish steps. I know you're jealous.

Screw medschool. I'm staying here forever.