Friday, August 21, 2009

Semester One: Check

1 Didactic semester down. 4 to go.


Sean McLaughlin said...

Dude, if you're going to write a blog, make it worth your (and my while). I am really not trying to be rude. I'm actually scared shitless. I haven't entered PA school yet but will next year (assuming I get accepted). I'm really, really interested in your PA school experiences.
BTW, congrats on your passing the first didactic semester. Now, what advice, experiences did you acquire and will you please share them?

Gregory House, PA-C said...

I can't really give too much advice from last semester because it was a freaking joke. It's not what PA school is really like. You'll have to wait and see how things go from this point on.

Sean McLaughlin said...

Sorry, but if a blog doesn't offer useful info, what's the purpose of having one? Good luck with your studies!

Gregory House, PA-C said...

A blog's purpose isn't to provide you with useful information. A blog's purpose is whatever the hell I want it to be. Stop reading if you don't like it and read some of the other blogs on my blogroll.