Thursday, May 25, 2006

Boom! The Same in Inglés and Spanish

Imagine, if you will, two cars facing each other across an intersection. Both are planning on turning on to the same three lane road, but the car making a left turns into the left lane and the car making a right crosses two lanes and tries to enter the left lane. I'm not positive but I think there is some law in physics that states that two objects cannot occupy the same space at the same time. Regardless, it makes a nice dent in the cars.

So, I go to ask the other woman if she's okay and then find out that she doesn't speak any English. So I break out the gringo Spanish and find out that it's her sister's car and blah blah blah. Call the cops and stop the woman from leaving because "todos no es bueno." I found out that "espera," which is the Spanish term for "wait" is only taught in the gringo Spanish classes. She didn't seem to like it when I said "no sale," which I think means "don't leave." The cops then arrive and tell us to move into the parking lot next to us. I move into it but the Latina doesn't seem to be able to figure out how to turn the wheel to get the car to go into the lot. No joke, she reversed, went forward, reversed again, went forward, reversed again and then had to be yelled at by the cop to turn into the lot. The rough draft police report tells me that she doesn't have a drivers license and it from Hempstead.

I pose this question to you: which person made the right hand turn?

*It's not nice to judge people by using stereotypes, but they can be painfully accurate.

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