February of last year a got a ticket for driving while using a mobile phone. The officer told me if I pled not guilty and brought a hands-free device the judge would probably let me off. I bought that hands free device (on a drive that lead to that annoying accident) and pled not guilty to be told that I would be given a court date in about three months.
I graduated college, left that town, and sent the court a signed letter saying what my new address was and that I wanted to plead guilty.
1 year, 3 months later they finally gave me my court date in that town that I no longer live in. WTF?!?!? Where the fuck is the due process in all of this. I can't go to this court date. I just want to plead GUILTY and pay my effing penalty. What is going to happen if I don't show up to this court date?
Shoot me.
My brother claims (who's had LOTS of tickets), and the DMV website suggests that if I don't show up then my license will be suspended and I will then have the opportunity to pay the fine then. I'm going to send the court a letter again trying to plead guilty. Otherwise, I'm just not going to the court date and hope I get something in the mail allowing me to pay my fine off.
If you don't show up? They'll put a warrant out for your arrest. It's happened to my sister. Twice.
Now THERE's a good use of state time and resources... issuing warrants for someone who forgot to show up for a parking ticket thingy.
Sorry to hear about all this. When do you start school?
There is a countdown to school on the right hand side. Thanks for reading!
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