I saw X-Men 3: The Last Stand last night at midnight. My friends and I all showed up around 10:30 to the theater but we were allowed in around 11 which was nice. I don't want to give anything away but I did not see a lot of the things that happened to happen. Regardless of how I feel about these things it made the movie great. Best X-Men yet. (Hopefully and probably not last) And I dare say the best superhero movie yet. Screw you Spidey.
If you go see it make sure to stay after the credits. There is a very important scene which infuriates me that they put at the end that they know most people are going to miss.
Today I started calling my health insurance to solve some of the multitude of problems we seem to be facing. There was one lab test that was miscoded and then not covered so I have to get my doctor to resubmit or something....I don't know. Had a ton of blood work tests done to prepare me for my internship next semester but those were filed under the wrong person. I don't know how they managed to pull that one off. I'm still going to have to pay those bills off since they were preventative tests as opposed to medical. Looks like registering for that damn internship really isn't over...AHHHHHHH WORST SYSTEM EVER
Yea, not the best superhero movie, but close. Both Spiderman movies and Batman Begins were better.
But has the lab called you yet to tell you that you're pregnant? I can't believe they'd mix up your labwork with someone elses. That's just scary!
Lol. actually these growthes have been developing recently...I wonder what the other person thinks they have. Bet it makes it interesting with the spouse..
Ummm...I'm going to have to say "No way, hoe-say" to that one about XMen 3 being the best. Number 2 was wayyyy better...the Nightcrawler is awesome!
But,uh,yeah, I sure hope you're not pregnant. That would suck...and be weird.
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