Sunday, July 23, 2006

Name Change?

I was watching my beloved ER Theatre last night, which is nothing more than two episodes of ER being shown back to back. Dr. Mark Green was still alive in these episodes and like usual was being a tool for everyone, losing hair and having relationship problems. Whenever I call myself a tool my friends say I'm just being a good friend. I still think I'm being a tool and they probably think so too. Regardless, I'm watching this episode and I'm starting to think, "Hmmmm, who does Dr. Green remind me of?"

Then it dawns on me. I am Dr. Green, minus the medical degree.

This was a very sad realization for me because I wanted to be the cool Dr. Gregory House, but instead I'm going to be the-nice-guy-who-finishes-last-Dr. Mark Green. I could definitely see myself in Dr. Green's shoes. "Hey Dr. Wannabe, can you do a rectal examination for me?" "Umm, I was just about to go home, but yeah I guess I could..." That's how it's going to go down and now I'm going to cry a little. And I'm probably going to be in the same hair situation as him when I'm his age. Whatever. At some point Natural Selection decided that having hair did not give a bigger edge in life. (This is what I'm going to tell myself and if you try to burst my bubble I will hunt you down.) I suppose the relationship side of life won't be that bad in the long run. Sure I'll go through a messy divorce with my first wife, but that's after lots of hot sex in hospital closets. And then in the end I'll end up marrying a tall, English red head. COUNT IT! And I will then soon after die of a brain tumor... Son of a bitch!

There is also a strong similarity between me and Dr. John Carter. Both are going into medicine because we love it even though we could easily get better paying jobs through family connections. (I'm don't have it to quite the same extent, but I'm sure it's there if it ever got to that point.) That's pretty much where it ends though. I don't plan on having an addiction to pain killers, and I'll be damned if I ever go to Africa to help people. I also don't think I'm going to have women swooning over me either because I look like Dr. Green. I wouldn't be that surprised if I had to help a family member kick a heroin addiction though. (Kidding. Well, half kidding)

After reading all of this I've come to the conclusion that I watch too much ER. Actually, I watch too much TV in general. What can I say? TV is my hobby/passion/heroin.

I'm sure in the future I'll go through what characters I could see myself becoming from Grey's Anatomy. (hint: none of them because I'm never going to have sex in a closet. Oh wait, George made a girl while having sex. We’ve found our winner!)


Anonymous said...

I have dibs on George.

Anonymous said...

I just saw the new snow patrol video on youtube with all the scenes from grey’s anatomy in it, and it rocks!

i love this song!!!

Anonymous said...

Ain't no ER like the one on ER; and Grey's Anatomy is as far removed from surgical training as it is from the real Seattle. So you may as well be yourself, which, based on your blogging, has lots more potential.

Anonymous said...

Have you the opportunity or inclination to read this fellow med student's blog regarding Grey's Anatomy at, I would be interested in your reaction. I agree with Dr. Schwab, and as a future nurse, please spare me the evilness of House (although I love that show) and be yourself, who I can only hope is much nicer and less obnoxious than he. It will help me respect you as a doc and not be scared stiff to approach you as a collegue.

Anonymous said...

"After reading all of this I've come to the conclusion that I watch too much ER. Actually, I watch too much TV in general."

Okay, that was a good line.

I used to think I could categorize myself as to what type of Doc I was gonna be. Now I just want to graduate and go to sleep.

Anonymous said...

Do you think avian flu is going to be a problem ?

I heard it would hit USA & Canada this fall.

Is there anything to the avian flu panic ?