My most feared day has arrived, the Pre-Health Committee Interview.
This is the scenario I've had running through my head since Fall '05:
Committee Member: So Dr. Wannabe, why do you want to go to medical school...
Dr. W: blah, blah, blah...
CM: Mmmhmm... *reads transcript* Umm, have you seen your GPA lately?
DW: Yeah, I know that it's sub-average, but I really feel that I possess the more relevant clinical skills that are needed to be a capable physician.
CM: Right... We really think that it would be a waste of your money to apply to medical school and suggest that you reconsider your career aspirations. Maybe apply next year.
DW: Although I respect your opinion on the situation I don't see waiting another year helping my case.
CM: Well, have it your way. We're going to rank you: "Recommend with Reservation."
DW: *Cries a little and dies*
Dr. Wannabe then continues to apply to medical schools that summer (even though he just died in the previous scene) and is rejected by all of them. In fact, the medical schools don't even bother sending him secondaries because his money is just not good enough for them. This ultimately makes him the 1:5 student from his school that doesn't get accepted to a medical school.
wait, do you become a zombie after you die or what?
You got great taste guy. You want to be House AND a D.O.?! Wow, do you believe in soulmates?
Well, on a less creepy note, haha, DO schools tend to be more forgiving off such things as long as you have some really good experience. I am currently a 2nd year at KCOM, please contact me for any advice, or just to chat!
I also just launched a new website: Type B Medicine so you should check that out and perhaps guest post.
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