Thursday, July 26, 2007

How I Know I'm Not a Sadist

Today I had to go to the dentist to have a cavity filled. This annoys me enormously because anyone who knows me well can tell you that I brush for an obscene amount of time. Regardless, I don't have any real beef with going to the dentist. Now I can't remember the last time I had a filling done, but I don't have any horrible memories about having them done.

That changed today.

The dentist didn't do anything wrong, and the procedure didn't hurt. I just found myself surprisingly bothered by the noises. There were two main tones. A high pitched eeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeeeeeeee eeeeeeeee noise, and lower grumbling of the same type of noise. I personally didn't really mind the lower toned of the two, but the high pitched one killed me. That might also be because the only time I did feel something was during the higher pitch. It may have just been the vibrations, but I could have sworn I felt a tingle once - which prompted my going "uuurrrrrgh!"

I had been thinking about doing a dentistry internship next semester to fulfill my last requirement, but after this I think I would rather not know what is going on in my mouth. But what I do know is that I could never go into dentistry simply because of the sheer anxiety I would put people through.


Anonymous said...

We have fired two dentists in a row because they kept asking"is it safe?". Damn nazis.

Anonymous said...

Man I haven't had a cavity since I was a kid. Sorry for rubbing that in your face. Seriously though, I really enjoy going to my dentist. He just so happens to have done his dental training at my undergrad university so we always have something to talk about.

Anonymous said...

that's swell... i'm friends with my dentist's son, but i don't get a chance to talk with the drills in my mouth and such.