Monday, June 29, 2009


I know this is a topic that has been talked about, but I never came across this option.

Physicians always introduce themselves as Dr. Smith, and from what I see PAs generally always introduce themselves like "Hi, I'm John a Physician Assistant." Many PAs have said that they like to keep it personal by using their first name only.

At the same time though many PAs feel they are not taken as seriously as they should be. People question them and we mainly attribute it to the word Assistant being in the title.

While I think the word "assistant" definitely contributes to this, I wonder if introducing oneself as "John Smith the Physician Assistant" may help make the difference. If we want to be treated like the professionals we are, then maybe we have to start carrying ourselves like that. Lawyers, business men, etc never introduce themselves by just their first name.

I personally think I'm always going to use my first+last name. Let your bedside manner make the patient feel comfortable, not the name you use to introduce yourself.


ChristinePAS said...

My program director is always urging us to say "Hi, I'm PA [lastname]" ...essentially substituting 'PA' for 'Dr.' Really, I'd be all for it if I didn't hate my last name. So, I'll stick with "Hi, I'm PA Christine, and I work with Dr. ________."

Actually, right now the intro is "Hi, I'm Christine, a PA student......"

Gregory House, PA-C said...

As a student I'm just going to use my first name. I don't like the whole "P.A. Name" because many people don't know the abbreviation PA.

Dave said...

Been a PA for 35 years. Hate the name. My certificate says physician associate which is what our name should be.
I would say, "Hi, I am PA JohnSmith and I am here to take care of you" or Hi I am John Smith, A PA, who is here to help you. Either is OK. Using PA before your name is common in some parts of the country and in the military.
BTW, check out Clinician 1, www, the new informational social community for PAs and NPs (even students).

Febrifuge said...

Interesting angle on the never-ending controversy. I agree with you, that using just a first name does cut us out of whatever professional mojo the docs can conjure. And also that it's the demeanor that does it.

I've seen MDs stroll in, basically say "hey, I'm Johnny Allopath, one of the docs workin' tonight," and despite the uber-casual wording they convey all the esteem and station patients need to feel well taken care of. And that's what we should focus on, as well.

The next question of course is how do we do that?