I recently decided to bite the bullet and, on a partial whim, apply to Irish medical schools. I say partial because I had been considering it for a while, but was never completely decided as to whether I would or not. I then chose to just do it without fully thinking it out.
"Why," you may ask. Honestly, it's more or less why not. Going into college the number one thing I wanted to do was study abroad. You don't even understand. From my freshman year of high school I couldn't wait to study abroad in Australia. I can't fully describe how hurt I was to find out that I was never going to be able to because of CHEMISTRY AND ORGANIC CHEMISTRY. (no, I don't hold a little grudge... it's a huge one) I'm the master organizer and planner, and to see some of my friends go abroad without ever seeing how it would be effecting their graduating on time killed me.
I got over it eventually. I took my short trip to London and of course my recent trip to Italy. (which is unfortunately no more than a distant memory now) You know what this accomplished? Nothing more than make me even more bitter. Bitterness is something I really need get over. This is what the old woman at work keeps telling me everyday. She's right, I know this. But since when is bitterness ever logical?
So anyway, I filled the application and sent it in. It's a very simple process thanks to our friends at The Atlantic Bridge Program. But then today I decided to see what kind of information I could muster from SDN about the schools. Long story short, these schools are by no means easy to gain admission to. And no offense to our northern friends, but why the hell do so many more Canadians gain admission to these schools than Americans?
I'm not going to allow myself to think too much about these applications. This is mainly because I hear from these programs much later than the DO schools. (First notices come in late April/early March) So it's not like I'm banking much on them. I have a much better chance at gaining admission to a DO school than these Irish schools. It'll really be a last minute change of plan if I did get into them, which now that I think about it will probably cause a huge shock to my system. At first I was having slight panic attacks at the idea of going to school in another country, but I'm over that now - mainly because I probably won't be going anyway. I'm just going to have to continue getting my travels done in the more traditional vacationing style. I wonder how long it'll be before I have the time and financial stability to do that. Me thinks at least 20 years from now. Crap.
In other news my applications have finally been sent out to the schools from the application service. My letters of recommendation? Who the hell knows. I keep e-mailing my advisor/head of the committee but I never get any responses. I can't wait to hear what his reaction is when he hears about my applying to the Irish schools. He's probably going to think I'm crazy and wasting money. You know the more I think about it the more I realize I did just waste 225 dollars. Ugh, this is why I'm never impulsive. I always wind up regretting my impulsive decisions, hence the severe lack of them.
Now playing: Amy Winehouse - Footballers Wife
via FoxyTunes
WTF looks like you got some spam there! You can always try Australia!!! Although it's becoming competitive here too! Most schools require that you have at least 8/8/8 for an interview... then you have to rock the interview...
well i got an 8/8/9 so maybe i should consider that. what's the application time table like? i know their first semester starts around february, so I guess it would be too late to apply now.
Well no you're not too late! Most of the schools are on rolling admissions so the sooner you apply the better. I think applications close on August 31st for a lot of the Aussie schools so just call the ones you're interested in and ask. One word of advice, suck up and make it known that you want to go their school given the chance! First impressions are key even if it's over the phone!
august 31st?!? i don't think i could ever trick them into thinking they were a first choice when i'm applying at the very last minute. i would never be able to get my shit ready in time. next year. (hopefully not - no offense)
Nothing is impossible! I applied a week before the deadline was up! It was a lot of stress but it worked out for the best. Just make sure you send them a nude photo of yourself.
The whole application process is a pain.
The reason it is a pain is not because of what you have to do, but because of what *other people* need to do for you.
And as we all know, other people generally don't care. I ended up having to hound the people sending out my letters of rec, it was an incredible pain in the bootay.
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